Basic Electrical Engineering Objective Questions
[1] The unit which indicates the rate at which energy is expended?A. Watt
B. Ampere-hour
C. Coulomb
D. Volt
[2] The peak voltage in an ac wave is always
A. Greater than the average voltage
B. Less than the average voltage
C. Greater than or equal to average voltage
D. Less than or equal to the average voltage
[3] When an electrical charge exists but there is no flow of current, the charge is said to be
A. Ionizing
B. Electronic
C. Static
D. Atomic
[4] As the number of turns in a coil that carries ac increases without limit, the current in the coil will
A. Eventually become very large
B. Stay the same
C. Decrease, approaching zero
D. Be stored in the core material
[5] As the number of turns in a coil increases, the reactance at a constant frequency
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Stays the same
D. Is stored in the core material
[6] In an RL circuit, as the ratio of inductive reactance to resistance (XL/R) decreases, the phase angle
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Stays the same
D. Becomes alternately positive and negative
[7] The best filter for a power supply is
A. A capacitor in series
B. A choke in series
C. A capacitor in series and a choke in parallel
D. A capacitor in parallel and a choke in series
[8] Voltage regulation can be achieved by a zener diode connected in
A. Parallel with the filter output, forward biased
B. Parallel with the filter output, reverse biased
C. Series with the filter output, forward biased
D. Series with the filter output, reverse biased
[9] A current surge takes place when a power supply is first turned on because
A. The transformer core is suddenly magnetized
B. The diodes suddenly start to conduct
C. The filter capacitor must be initially charged
D. Arching takes place in the power switch
[10] A dc electromagnet
A. Has constant polarity
B. Requires an air core
C. Cannot be used to permanently magnetize anything
D. Does not attract or repel permanent magnet
[11] In a multi-stage RC coupled amplifier the coupling capacitor______________
A) Limits the low frequency response
B) Limits the high frequency response
C) Does not affect the frequency response
D) Block the DC component without affecting the frequency response
[12] It is required to measure temperature in the range of 13000 deg C to 15000 deg c. The most suitable thermocouple to be used as a transducer would be?
a) Chromel - constantan
b) Iron - constantan
c) Chromel - alumel
d) Platinum- rhodium
[13] Telemetering is a method of?
a) Counting pulses sent over long distances
b) Transmitting pictures from one place to another
c) Transmitting information concerning a process over a distance
d) None
[14] A dc to dc converter having an efficiency of 80% is delivering 16W to a load. If the converter is generating an output of 200V from an input source of 20V, then the current drawn from the source will be?
a) 0.1A
b) 0.5A
c) 1.0A
d) 10.0A
[15] The location of lighting arrestor is?
a) Near the transformer
b) Near the circuit breaker
c) Away from the transformer
d) None
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b) Iron - constantan
c) Chromel - alumel
d) Platinum- rhodium
[13] Telemetering is a method of?
a) Counting pulses sent over long distances
b) Transmitting pictures from one place to another
c) Transmitting information concerning a process over a distance
d) None
[14] A dc to dc converter having an efficiency of 80% is delivering 16W to a load. If the converter is generating an output of 200V from an input source of 20V, then the current drawn from the source will be?
a) 0.1A
b) 0.5A
c) 1.0A
d) 10.0A
[15] The location of lighting arrestor is?
a) Near the transformer
b) Near the circuit breaker
c) Away from the transformer
d) None
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